SW20 Swap Wiring Info
All info here and more at www.kswapmr2.com
SW20 Radiator Fan Wiring
Option 1. If you want to run fans on full time low speed with key in on position use the picture to the left, pull 3 relays and jumper pins shown, nothing else necessary.
Option 2. If you want the fans ecu controlled by kpro. Perform Option 1 first. Then flip box over, pull off lower cover and cut wires to pin 3 , then wire pin3 to pin 7 at c101 by ecu.
Note: This wiring will work for any sw20 engine swap. You just need to confirm which pin location on your ecu controls the fans.

Kswap Speed Sensor Wiring for Auto Harness
When using the Auto RSX harness for a Manual Kswap into an MR2 you will find that there is no speed sensor connector for the manual trans. These notes will help you to wire one in place. I have found that some of the Auto harnesses do not have a wire at A18. You can steal a pin from the unused Auto connector by ECU.
Honda Speed sensor connector 02-04 RSX
White/Green signal to A18 at ECU
Black/Yellow 12v to c101 9
Black Ground to A4 at ECU

Toyota Speed Sensor Wiring Info
I have attached info for the 91-92 Cruise control speed sensor and the 93+ speed sensor. This info can be used to send speed signal to Kpro or any other ECU. I do not recommend using the Toyota speed sensor for traction control as the signal is pretty choppy. Boost by gear has proven fine.
91-92 Sensor Side Harness side
Pin 1 Power Red Black/Yellow
Pin 2 Signal Yellow Violet
Pin 3 Ground Black White /Black
Pin 1 Power Black/Yellow
Pin 2 Ground Brown
Pin 3 Signal Purple

Picture of hole under left side vent. This is the path to tuck the harness inside inner sheet metal to tail lights.